Draw Beautifully in Latex - Resources of PGF/TikZ

Draw Beautifully in Latex - Resources of PGF/TikZ

PGF/TikZ is a pair of languages for producing vector graphics (e.g., technical illustrations and drawings) from a geometric/algebraic description, with standard features including the drawing of points, lines, arrows, paths, circles, ellipses and polygons.

This post incldues resources of PGF/TikZ for references.

PGF/TikZ Official Manual

  1. PGF/TikZ Official Manual

PGF/TikZ Books

  1. TikZ Cookbook for Diagram in Economics with Step-by-Step Illustration, By Chiu Yu Ko

PGF/TikZ Examples

  1. Examples from texample.net
  2. TikZ Online Tutorial (old version), by Chiu Yui Ko
  3. TikZ Online Tutorial (latest version), by Chiu Yui Ko

unsplash-logothumbnail by Kelly Sikkema


Yihong Liu

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